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Body Doubling Title ADHD Actually Virtual Coworking

Welcome to the body doubling membership where we use virtual coworking to get things done, together!

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Created By An ADHDer - for ADHDers, yay!
Created by an ADHDer - for ADHDers!
(for those 18+ only!)
Zoe drew a cartoon of a laptop showing smiling faces on a Zoom session.
My ADHD diagnosis didn't suddenly make day to day life easier.

2 years later, despite having a therapist & meds, I found myself struggling to keep up with day to day life.

While looking for help online, I came across an ADHD term body doubling= getting things done with silent company.

Unfortunately I didn’t have anyone I could body double with & I had too much anxiety to join online co-working spaces with strangers who didn't understand ADHD. So I created this membership!

How Does Online
Body Doubling Work?

Animation ADHD Actually
Book a
A Zoom link
is emailed
Join the
ADHD Actually Another Body Doubling Heading

All the scheduling and planning is taken care of!

You book a session time,
we'll make sure you have company!


We body double together with our screens on and sound muted!

Click the [+] button below to find out more about the session!




The session starts & the waiting room opens. There's 10 minutes to join the session.

Or you can click here & see all the steps at once!

  • Join the session with your Zoom link
  • After 5 mins the main room opens
  • There’s a host intro as we wait for others to join
  • At 10 past, the session is locked.
  • We break into smaller groups & body double for 45 mins
  • At the end you can log off, or stick around to share how you went / listen to others share if a host is running chats!
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Simple Image Carousel

Scheduled & hosted sessions, suitable for all timezones!

(for a quick preview, see the images below and click to zoom in!)

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It's ADHD-friendly!

This membership was thoughtfully created with ADHD in mind!

Columns Layout

We support last minute bookings for sessions!

Book any session 1 week in advance, or 1 minute before it starts!


No attendance record is being kept!

If you forget to turn up, or can't make it - it's ok! No notice is needed.


Running late? We have a delayed start time!

You have 10 mins from the time the session starts to log in.


You don't need to stay seated on a session!

Being on screen is the main focus, you're free to move around!


After session chats don't force participation!

You'll never have your name called out or be asked to speak out loud!

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Body Doubling Title ADHD Actually Virtual Coworking

One price.
Unlimited sessions.

Pricing Toggle For ADHD Actually Membership

Want to experience the difference body doubling can make?

Joining gives you instant access to the 61 hosted sessions scheduled each week, as well as access to our membership forum for support - whenever you need it!

That's 24/7 support for about  $3 p/week!

Monthly Yearly

$14 (USD)


Click To Start Your Membership!
ADHD Actually signing off
Zoe drew a cartoon of a laptop showing smiling faces on a Zoom session.
ADHD is a lot easier to navigate with support & understanding by your side.

It’s been 3 years since I started my membership and I’ve gotten to see the difference it has made not only in the lives of hundreds of adults with ADHD, but in my own life too. I am so thankful for this membership and the people on it!

I hope to see you on a session soon!

- Zoe

P.S - If you have any questions please reach out on Instagram or email You’ll reach me, I’m a team of one here!