Before you check out my Amazon store...
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate who’s part of the Amazon Influencer Program, I earn from qualifying purchases.

I’m required to disclose that Amazon will pay * me a small commission anytime someone purchases something from the lists and products I recommend!

* Here's what this actually means:
I am based in Australia but my payment is in the form of US Amazon gift vouchers. Due to conversion & shipping costs to Australia, I gift every Amazon voucher to hosts & those in my membership located in the US.

ADHD Resources, Products & Finds!


Did you know?

Signing up for the Audible Plus, 30 day free trial (via the button ) puts $5 in my Amazon voucher fund? Even if you quit after that?

If you stick around past the trial, Amazon will send more voucher $ my way - but for now, it’s worth knowing your 30 days of free audible sends $ to other ADHDers!
Win win!