General Membership Questions

How do I log in?

Look for the neon yellow log-in button on my website!

Whether you're on a desktop or a mobile device, you'll see the button sticking to the bottom of your screen - like in the image below.

Membership Login Information

After you log in, you'll be shown your member profile. You can access your member profile at any time when you're logged in by clicking on the same neon yellow button.

Your member profile looks like this; Membership Profile "Access Your Body Doubling Membership" will take you to the Membership Homepage where you can book sessions and access the forum.

You can also; change plans, update your payment details, cancel your membership and / or update your general information.

How do I cancel my membership?

Log in via the steps above. Your current plan will always be at the top of your profile.

Instead of "Access Content", click the 'View or cancel plans' link under 'Billing' Membership Profile Click the 'Cancel subscription' link under the plan you wish to cancel. When your plan is cancelled you still have access to the membership until the next billing date.

How do I change my membership plan?

Log in via the steps above.

Instead of "Access Content", click the main button under your plan. It'll either say 'Join new plan' or 'Change plan' . Membership Profile Please note the example above is to show the location of the button, not the text that you will be seeing on the button.

Select a new plan from the dropdown and then choose your payment details. This membership has been set up so that no one can be on the monthly plan and the yearly plan at the same time.

For those ending their free trial early: if you are on the free plan and sign up for the monthly/yearly plan before the end of your trial, you will still receive automatic email reminders in regards to your free trial ending. The email should clarify which plan is ending.

How much does the membership cost?

The ADHD Actually Membership is billed monthly on the first of every month at $14 USD or annually at $168 USD on the day you start your annual plan.

Signing up for the Monthly Plan

On your sign up day you'll pay a pro-rata amount of the $14 USD membership. The pro-rata amount is based on how many days left in the month there are. If you join half way through the month, you'll pay somewhere around $7 depending on how many days remain.

After your initial payment, you'll be charged the $14 USD on the 1st of the month, every month.

The way that the membership payment is processed means that there may be additional card processing fees (approx less than $1 USD) but depending on your payment provider.

Signing up for the Yearly Plan

On your sign up day you'll pay the full amount of your $168 USD membership. If you have already paid for the month, the $168 will be reduced to reflect this.

Please note - there are some Yearly members who signed up when the plan had a 1st of July billing date. Your plan is still active but is no longer offered. If you quit your yearly plan and sign up again, you will join the yearly plan that bills on the day you join.

For currencies outside of $USD, the membership price may look slightly different each month as it’s certainly subject to change depending on the US dollar.

Late payments / Payment Issues

I sent the membership up with the maximum amount of payment reminders before your membership cancels. If a payment is unsuccessful, it will try 3 or 4 times before it cancels - with emails sent for each reminder.

The Membership Forum

How do I join the forum?

Only the monthly and yearly plans have access to the forum.

After you click on Access content you'll be taken to the main membership page where you can click the button that says Click Here To Join The Member Forum.

Joining The Forum On The Main Page After Logging In

There's also a direct button on the booking page

Join The Forum Using The Button On The Booking Form

More information about the forum

The forum is the membership's private social space that uses the platform Circle.

It works like a messaging board, and those who have used Facebook will find it operates similarly. There are different spaces for different topics and it's been great at providing additional support in between sessions.

Circle is available on the iOS and andriod app

The forum works best on a desktop, but there is the option to download the Circle app on iOS or android to access the forum on the go!

Member Forum

Body Doubling Sessions

What's body doubling?

Maybe you've heard of a body double before in the context of movies sets and actors.

On a film set, a body double is someone who stands in for an actor.

ADHDers have adopted the term and have their own definition for a body double.

Body doubling = the method of getting things done alongside someone else.

Body double (ADHD) = the person who sits with someone with ADHD to help them get things done

Click the button below to find out more about body doubling!

How do the sessions run on the day?

tl;dr version in less than 100 words

  • You join the session with your Zoom link
  • After 5-6 mins in the waiting room you’re moved to the main room
  • There’s a 4-5 minute introduction as we wait for others to join
  • We then break into smaller groups and body double for 45 mins.
  • We body double with screens on, sound muted
  • At the end you can log off, or stick around if there are chats being hosted

What can I do on a session?

The short answer: any task that keeps you on screen, (not too close) for the majority of the time!

You have so many options because of the way the sessions are set up! These sessions recognise that hyperactivity, hypermobility, the need to stim and a range of other factors can make sitting still challenging.

Although your camera needs to be fixed in one spot and not moving, the same rule doesn't apply to you! You can move off screen and back if you need to get something, and you don't need to feel trapped on a session.

Blurred backgrounds are fine only if you plan to sit in front of your camera. Please don't use them if you're moving around, as you'll blend into the blurred background and won't be seen.

Novelty backgrounds and photo backgrounds are distracting and not suitable for sessions.

Things you can do on a session!

Life Admin

  • Paying online bills
  • Making scary phone calls
  • Message replies
  • Taxes / budgeting
  • Jobhunting
  • CV updates
  • Applications & paperwork
  • Packing or moving house

House Tasks

  • Cooking
  • Doing dishes
  • Tidying
  • Laundry
  • Vacuuming
  • Decluttering
  • Yard work

Work & Study

  • Work from home
  • Assignments
  • Studying
  • Emails
  • Reading
  • Writing reports
  • Digital decluttering


  • Journalling
  • Colouring
  • Craft projects
  • Messaging
  • Reading
  • Gamining
  • Watching videos
What things aren't allowed?

No close-ups please!

Being too close & staring directly into the camera can be distracting to others!

Please check you're not too close for things like;

  • eating
  • brushing your teeth
  • talking on the phone
  • exercising
  • staring at your screen

Prohibited List

  • Other people on screen with you, (including babies & children)
  • Napping / sleeping - incl. starting the session waking up in bed, or ending the session in bed.
  • Staying off screen
  • Driving
  • Any dangerous task that puts your safety at risk

On screen to start

Please make sure you are on screen by the time the host locks the room.

If you are not on screen, or you have your screen off, you will not be placed into a breakout room & will be moved to the waiting room.

When do the sessions run?

This is a membership suitable for all timezones!

During the week there are 61 scheduled and hosted sessions that run every 2 hours.

EDT example of the weekly session timetable
The example above is what the session times look like for EDT timezone - April 2024

In addition to the scheduled sessions, members have access to a 24/7 Zoom Room used for body doubling in between sessions and over the weekend.

How do I book a session?
After you click on Access content you'll be taken to the main membership page where you can click the button that says Click Here To Join The Member Forum.

Joining The Forum On The Main Page After Logging In

The sessions are shown in your timezone when you book!

I missed a session / I can't make a session

"I forgot about the session!"

"I didn't join the session in time!"

"I just realised I can't do the session anymore!"

Please don't panic, nothing happens if you miss a session!

ADHD life can be unpredictable and overwhelming and I created this membership to minimise stress & shame, and there is no penalty or ramification for missing a session.

Your intent was to turn up and that’s awesome, you don’t need to explain why you missed a session!

If you miss a session, nothing happens! You don’t need to check in with anyone. There’s no mark against your name.

We just hope to see you on the next session!